PHOTO PROMPT © Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

A handful of notable entries, chosen entirely at random, to last week’s photo prompt for Friday Fictioneers:

  • Tannille offers a dystopian explanation for those hovering halos
  • C.E. Ayr writes a poem, a rarity in this contest, and includes an audio that must be checked out
  • This image was a prime candidate for sci-fi, and Iain Kelly does it with some humor
  • It’s also easy to find a religious message in the photo, and both nonnaci and T. Delaplain explore the darker side of this theme
  • It’s difficult to include a surprise ending in a 100-word tale, but Draliman does the job
  • Dale provides an interesting metaphysical twist

4 responses to “About Those Circular Lights”

  1. Thank you for the kind, if entirely random, mention.
    I am unsure as to why you describe my story as a poem, it is not written as such.
    I merely structure my prose slightly differently.
    Best regards

    1. I found your entry prosaic, and therefore considered it poetry

  2. That was an interesting way to go about the prompt!

  3. I’m always amazed how a simple 100 word prompt can encourage so many diverse and totally different responses. My response to the image was gratitude. I recently was thinking of buying a torch with a special inbuilt chip that ensured circles above the head just like the ones illustrated. Perhaps now I will buy it for my grandson. Amazing!.

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